Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholder Communications
Experience & Expertise
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McEniry and Co has broad experience from establishing corporate policies and CSR initiatives to on the ground implementation of community relations programs. He has worked with major producers, junior exploration companies, governments, NGOs, and indigenous peoples throughout North and South America, Africa, and in Asia. He is fluent in Spanish, French, Portuguese, English, as well as basic Indo/Malay bahasa.
Examples of his project experience include:
Indigenous Engagement:
Traditional Environmental Knowledge Study - Ecuador
Client: Canadian mineral development company
Location: Ecuador
Directed workshops with Shuar indigenous communities and produced a study that was incorporated into the environmental permitting for a copper mine development in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Developed successful partnership between company, community, and the local university.
Community and Aboriginal Outreach Performance Improvement
Client: Global Nickel Producer
Location: Canada
Developed an action plan to improve the systems for community and aboriginal engagement according to the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative. Working with operations in three provinces, the plan identified gaps and introduced measures to improve scores by two performance levels.
Social Management Plans and Strategies:
Bankable Social Management Plans
Client: Potash mine developer
Location: Republic of Congo
Prepared Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Migratory Influx, Human Rights and HIV/AIDS management plans for potash mine project near Pointe Noire, RoC.
Preparation of an Economic Diversification Strategy for Facilities Closure
Client: Major Global Base Metals Producer
Location: Northern Manitoba, Canada
Prepared economic diversification strategy for facilities closure in a Northern Manitoba mining town. The strategy achieved strong local buy-in and involved the launch of a multi-stakeholder dialogue process.
Social and Environmental Baseline Study
Client: UK-based Exploration and Development Company
Location: Peru
Produced a socio-environmental baseline study and managed a multidisciplinary international technical teams in a remote mountainous area along the Peru-Ecuador border.
Community Relations and Sustainable Development Program Set-up
Client: Canadian junior mining exploration firm
Location: Azuay Province, Ecuador
Planned and oversaw implementation of a comprehensive community relations strategy that involved a social diagnostic, stakeholder outreach, designing, hiring and managing a community relations team. Established development alliances in health and education with local municipality and NGOs.
Resettlement and Land Acquisition:
Framework Resettlement Action Plan
Client: Canadian mid-tier copper producer
Location: Panama
Developed a land acquisition and resettlement strategy for a copper mine project in the Coclé province of Panama affecting indigenous Ngobe and campesino communities. Involved setting up approaches to engagement, process, legal framework, and speculative land occupation risk reduction actions.
Land Acquisition and Compensation Strategy
Client: Sino-Spanish Wind Energy Developer
Location: Panama
Developed Land acquisition and compensation plan (LACP), Project Grievance Mechanism, and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) for a large wind energy project in Panama.
Resettlement Action Plan Review and Monitoring
Client: Canadian Mid-tier gold producer
Location: Burkina Faso
Reviewed progress in achieving resettlement and livelihoods restoration objectives for a 14,000 person resettlement involving artisanal gold miners in northern Burkina Faso.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training
Client: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Trained Canadian trade commissioners in CSR initiatives including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), IFC Social and Environmental Performance Standards, The Voluntary Principles on Human Rights and Security, the UN Global Compact, and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Community Engagement Training
Client: South African mid-tier gold producer
Location: Venezuela
Trained the community relations team and management of a gold operation in Venezuela’s Bolivar State. The training focused on managing expectations, setting social performance targets and indicators, and conflict management.
Sustainability Reporting:
Produced a benchmarking study comparing the sustainability reporting of a Canadian gold producer in Kazakhstan central Asia with 10 of its industry peers.
Assisted in the production of a sustainability report for a Canadian smelting, refining, and mining operation.